Every Die-Hard Criminal, Ruffian, Pick Pocketer, Small-time Goon knows for sure that it is better not to mess with that old man, wearing a turban, walking with his tiger, because he is none other than legendary CHACHA SULEMANI. With a sharp brain sharper than a needle he can make the deadliest criminal bite dust. A man from Venus RUMJHUM, his friend, Small in size but with all powers to help Chacha Sulemani, in frequent clashes with criminals. This is an exclusive collection of Chacha Sulemani Tshirts.
The T-Shirts are made of 100% pure premium cotton biowashed and softened. A unique fusion technique is used to create the design print which is ideal for work, leisure or workouts. Affordable, fast fashion - that is what Styched is and will always remain.
Sizes - Small - 36in, Medium - 38in, Large - 40in, XL - 42in